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Q: What is the Modesto Ski Club?

A: The Modesto Ski Club is a non-profit organization that promotes skiing and snowboarding for people of all ages and abilities. We organize trips to various ski resorts, and various social events.

Q: How can I join the Modesto Ski Club?

A:To qualify for membership in the Modesto Ski Club, you must live either in Stanislaus County or within 15 miles of Modesto. Next, you will need to attend 2 general meetings and get a current club member to sponsor you for membership. Then, you can apply for membership in the Modesto Ski Club by filling out an online application form and submitting a membership application fee. You will also need to sign a waiver of liability and agree to follow the club’s rules and policies. Your application will be reviewed by the MSC Board of Directors, then you will be notified as to whether or not you have been accepted as a member (if you are not accepted as a member for some reason, your application fee will be returned).

Q: What are the benefits of being a member of the Modesto Ski Club?

A: As a member of the Modesto Ski Club, you can enjoy the MSC lodge in Truckee, Ca, which is owned and operated by the club. You will have access to club social events and opportunities to meet other ski/snowboard enthusiasts.

Q: What does it cost to join?

A: Annual Dues           

Single                            $75                               

Family                           $125

Fill out the online membership form. Attend two meetings, Live in Stanislaus County or with in 15 miles from Modesto, and be approved by the board.  

Q: How well do your members ski?

We have skiers/snowboarders at all levels. Don’t worry, you will find someone to ski/snowboard with.

Q: When and where are your club meetings?

We get together to socialize and to discuss upcoming club activities and business on the second Tuesday of each month for what we term a “general meeting”. Meetings are usually held at Fuzio Universal Bistro
1020 10th St Ste 100
Modesto, CA  95354
While you can arrive at any time, people who want to eat dinner usually arrive around 6:00pm. The actual
meeting starts at 7:00pm and is over by 8:00 PM. Meetings include discussions about
upcoming club activities (including chances to talk with activity/trip leaders), announcements from committee members, and a chance to socialize with friends.